I have a love of life. Some may call me a cynic but I'm truly an optimistic realist. I work on the philosophy “If you expect the worst but aim for the best, you'll land somewhere that's comfortable.”

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18 September 2011

My Key To A Happy Life

There's two types of people in the world. Those that are truly happy most of the time and those that are seeking happiness most of the time.
In the perfect world we would all have everything we want, fact. This isn't a perfect world, fact.

So, what you need to do to make yourself happy most of the time.

  1. Divide
  2. Analyse
  3. Re-analyse
  4. Act

Find a quiet/silent room where you wont be disturbed or at least where you can concentrate mostly.

Split your life into as many sections as possible. For example: work/home or financial commitments; tasks to be done at home; tasks to be done at work- then categories all 'things' into the right 'box'. Once this is done, you'll have two pieces of important information. The first is, what is the biggest problem for you. This will be probably the one that is either first on the list or that is the longest as it's the one at the forefront of your mind. Secondly, you'll see the real extent of your affairs.

Look at each section in turn task/commitment by turn, ask yourself; “Is there a real need for this/Is this the cheapest it could be/Would I miss this/them?”

Put a tick by all the ones you say yes to, as well as a cross beside the ones you say no to. (you can use any symbol you choose.)

Once you have done this copy out the Yes items and the no items onto two separate leafs of paper.

Go to the Yes sheet first. Slowly and carefully read exactly what you have written, if possible out loud, this will help you focus on the exact thing you should be thinking of. Then ask the same question; “will I miss this/them/Is this the cheapest/Do I need to do this really?”. If, the answer is yes once again – ask yourself “have I checked it's the cheapest/Could I do without this/them/Is this really the best way of doing this/Could I sort the problem out a different way?” Basically, criticise and interrogate your answers and opinions. This will then give you the true answer which may be different from the original answer.

Once this is done, mark the item to show yes or no.

Move on to the No sheet and carry out the same thing on this one.

Once both sheets are ticked crossed marked however you've chosen, Collate the two sets of answers again on individual bits of paper. These are now your Action lists.

Weather it be looking for a lower cost internet provider or finishing a friendship that's a drain it will be on your Action Plan. From your Yes action plan these are things you will keep the same. The action is consistency. With your No Action Plan the action is to finish the friendship, get the satellite TV cut off or loose weight whatever you don't feel is right in your life. Conquer the problem head on. If you are wanting to be more financially flexible but still spend all your money all the time on everything it can't last without debt and stress. You need to look for ways of making savings. If you want less stress and hassle in your life you need to identify it and as far as possible get rid of the cause. Things will feel empty or less cluttered at first and you may feel instantly better or even a little sadness if it's ending a friendship or getting rid of satellite TV if it has your favourite show on it but, This will give you time to find other shows or friends or both.

It is important to do this at least three or four times a year. Don't rush it though! As they say sleep on it. It has been proven that if you go to bed with something on your mind you'll likely have a dream about it and this may help you come to a decision on the matter.

I can't guarantee it will work for everyone all the time or even one person once. I know it is however, what I do and it works for me.

If you look at my profile you will see the quote that basically says, “Aim to do much better than you know you ever can, but set your landing zone somewhere near the middle of where you are and the unrealistic and you'll probably land somewhere comfortable. I use this in every day life, some people may say it makes me less likely to achieve my full potentual but I say it allows me to achieve what I truly can and wish to. In life, there are many factors to consider. The foremost must be yourself in everyone. Your kids are starving so you bust a gut on an empty stomach to provide food but you get so stressed and tired you can't work or you let it all pile up and end your life, you're no use to anyone then – they can't use your bodies natural nutrients for nourishing the land crops grow upon your just left in a hole. Life isn't easy but that is why you need to make it as easy as possible by minimising your external pressures/influences to a level that are manageable and realistic.

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