I have a love of life.
Some may call me a cynic but I'm truly an optimistic realist.
I work on the philosophy “If you expect the worst but aim for the best, you'll land somewhere that's comfortable.”
The pro's of proving
scientifically there's a physical difference between the brains of
hetrosexual and homosexuals are:
The first is obvious,
we will know that it is not a matter of choice because very few if
any humans or animals can consciously control the development of
their neuropaths. This would then make it harder for people to
justify homophobia.
Secondly, it would then
give us a bases to research the causes and ultimately to see if it is
genetical or not. Thereby, reinforcing or not the case of if it's
choice or not.
Additionally, if anyone
thought they were homosexual they could be “tested” for it. The
risk of testing would me that it makes it more of an “illness”
but if it was approached in the same way as intelligence with the IQ
test then maybe not. This however leads away from the neurology and
genetics and into the field of psychology. With many things in
psychology they aren't solidly defined and the “choice” argument
could creep in. I doubt though, that anyone would “choose” to be
clinically retarded nor would they choose to be in a minority
(homosexual). Yes, homosexuality could be seen as a negative thing
still but at least there would be a marked and defined difference in
thought processes and such. How practical this would be I don't know.
The downsides are:
That if there is not
actually a difference it will reinforce the choice opinion and help
justify homophobia.
However, if there is a
difference that isn't genetical and is due to the way homosexuals are
brought up. It could lead to abuse of children, young adults and
adults that take solace in religions because they find it difficult
to understand their feelings.
The people that come
out when they are older may then feel worse for not knowing who they
were before.
The “Honeymoon” has
been brought to a close by me.
This morning I dragged
my butt out of bed after a disturbing choice to voluntarily watch
Jeremy Kyle. If you don't know what this is Imagine Ricky Lake but
with a male host and a slight increase in civility. If that fails to help you, look it up on YouTube.
So, you want the
low-down on the Wedding... Here we go then...
I got up at around 9
a.m.and Sam at 11 a.m. - overall it took us about an hour to an hour
and a half to get ready.
We did our own hair and
make-up, somehow, everyone failed to point out a unblended patch
under my eye. Never mind, we noticed it in the photo's afterwards and
that's the main thing right?
My aunt doubled as our
chauffeur and our witness. No, she doesn't have the big fancy limo we
were planning on but after doing some research, we found that the
operators were...pricks! A 2 hour hire was going to cost say £200 as
soon as we mentioned the word "wedding" it increased by 50% to a 100%. I could go on a rant here about capitalists and taking
advantage of a special day but I shan't. Instead our ride was a very
clean and comfortable, gold Renault Cleo.
The only issue was when
we got out and Sam came to guide me, I'd already started to move off
and she accidentally stood on my dress nearly pulling it down (off).
Once I'd regrouped we met with the rest of the “party” and headed
in. After being offered a £1,000 to not go through with it and to go
away for ever breaking Sam's heart (which I declined) we double
checked everything with the Registrar and went through to the
“ceremony room”.
On our way through, we
had some photo's taken on a little landing leading up to the town
museum against a banerstrade. The banerstrade was made from wood and
a little creaky, me being me, I turned to Sam and asked;: Babe, will
this hold your weight”. Yes, I got laughs but I also got a smack
from Sam, still unsure why...
Once everyone else and
the dog had their photo's taken on the same little bit we waited a
few extra minutes just incase any of the people from Facebook or
Twitter that'd been invited were running late (but none turned up).
And then...
The bells tolled on our
single life (living together) and the key was put in the door of
“marriage”. Word by word it turned in the lock, before long the
door was open and we walked through it to congratulations from family
(in person) and friends (on twitter, Facebook and by text).
Our vowels went like
“I promise you
loyalty and friendship, and to love you with all that I am and all
that I can be. I promise you this from the depth of my heart and
mind, for all our life together.”
Then for the exchange
of the rings, we went for;
“I give you this ring
as a sign of our partnership. All that I am I give to you, All that I
have I share with you, for the whole of our life together.”
I was good to recite
these off the top of my head but the Registrar got me to repeat after
her just incase I forgot them:). Unlikely but it equalled things out
because Sam hadn't even learned them as she would of forgot them for
sure anyway.
We had more photo's
taken and then got back in the car to come home.
Our reception comprised
of a buffet put on by Sam's granny. It was tasty and most of the
company was good too. The cake was homemade by me and went down well
with everyone. It was a lemon and vanilla sponge with white fondant
and smarties:)
The topper was the most expensive part at £7.50 from... Yes, eBay!
Sam stayed in her dress
for the whole thing but once again me being me and despite people
trying to convince me not to I got changed into track suit bottoms
and a hoody. Not out of place though because it says on it “OUT And
I'm Not Alone”.
After the buffet and
cake had been consumed or as much of it that could be, we tide it up
and kicked everyone out. Being a social hand grenade can be useful on
There was no clearing
up to be done because Sam's Grandparents did it all to save us the
We chilled out and at
around 9.30 p.m. we ordered a Dominoes Pizza:). Who says romance is
dead! We ate the rest of the buffet food over the next two to three
days, the cake however didn't last quite as long...
The “Honeymoon” has
been staying up most of the night watching movies and telly, eating
lots of junk food and sleeping very late. Now I've declared it over
and it's time to try and get life back in gear.
Has getting Civilly
Partnered/Married made a difference? Yes! We feel much closer now the
open door has closed behind us and we are locked in the room that is
our relationship. As the saying goes one door closes and another
opens. The door on insecurity and "singlehood" has
shut but the door to the rest of our life, ("married” life) is
wide open. There's no point in marking time, we need to march through
that now open door and conquer the lands that lay before us,
together, as a team!
To all those that
“don't believe in marriage/Civil Partnership” it's not the piece
of paper that makes you strong or that declares your love for each
other, that just certifies it. It's the action of making that legal
commitment by signing yourself into a forever contract. Yes, there is
a get out clause but if you focus on that your missing the whole
point and I ask you just don't bother getting hitched. Yes, there are
times when the clause should be used but it's like a fighter pilot's
ejector seat. They know it's there but they don't dwel on it.
Anyway, I hope you've
enjoyed this post and here are some photo's for you.
I'd like to say thank
you to the following people:
Sam for being silly
enough to marry me:)
Chris the photographer
for taking brilliant photo's:)
Lee for shooting a
great video:) (first shot is of me pulling up my under trousers)
Sam's Grandparents for
helping us get the house ready and sorting the buffet out.
My Aunt Lorraine and
Sam's dad for being witnesses
Last but in no
uncertain terms not least! Everyone who took the time to make our day
special with their attendance, cards, messages, posts and tweets.
They really did mean a lot.
If you were wondering, and it shouldn't have to be said but... No, I wasn't really bribed with money - it's real life not a soap opera.
The Registry Office
The Kiss
Sam"s Gran
Sam's Granddad
Sam, Electra & Me
Aunt Lorraine Signing The Register
Sam's Sister trying (poorly) to cross the cobbled road outside the registry office afterwards.
The Forth Road Bridge outside the Registry office. (Lovely day!)
The Wedding Video:
There we go then! :)
Thanks everyone!
Apologise if I didn't post your photo!
If you're wondering where my family are, read my other posts! :)