Do you have multiple Apple devices and want them to all share the same calendar data?
Here is how to make it happen.
Firstly you'll need a Google Calendar these are free.
Once you have this you're laughing.
Firstly for the iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch:
- Select - Settings → Mail, Contacts, Calendars
- Select – Add Account → Other → CalDAV
- Enter the “Server” - “Username” Your Google Account Username – Password” Your Google Account Password - “Description” What you want your calendar to be known as.
- Tap the next button to verify your settings. (I'd suggest having a Wi-Fi connection at this point or at-least a 3G)
- Open you Calendar app to start the sync with Google Calendar automatically
- If you have several iDevices repeat this on all of the devices you want to share the same calendar.
Now for the iCal part of things.
- Open iCal
- Select iCal from the menu bar → Preferences
- Select the Account tab
- Click the “+” on the bottom left to add a new account.
- Change “Automatic” to “CalDAV”
- Put in the same details as on the IOS device(s) for Username, Password and Server.
- Click Create and then change the refresh period from “Every 15 minutes” to “Every minute”.
Close down the window that's that part done.
Next we have to Subscribe to the Google Calendar you want to use.
- Go to the Google Calendar you wish to use and choose account settings.
- From the many options you want “Private Address” and click on the iCal button.
- Copy the URL that appears in the pop-up window that has opened.
- Back in iCal select Calendar from the menu bar → Subscribe → Paste the URL into the box.
- Make sure all boxes are checked and change the refresh period to the lowest option “Every 5 Minutes”
Now for syncing everything into one big perfect fluffy ball.
- Open iTunes
- Select iTunes → Preferences → Device tab
- Check the Prevent iPod/iPad/iPhone from Automatically syncing box.
- Plug in all you iDevices individually and select the Info tab
- Check the Sync iCal box → Selected Calenders → Choose the Google Calendar that doesn't have your username in it.
- Click on Apply iTunes will start to sync.
To make sure everything is working right. Using your iDevice make up a test event. In iCal press Command+R to force a refresh the event should appear here also look on your other sharing devices and ensure the test event has showed it's self on them also. Delete the event and refresh all you devices just as a final check that all is working well.
That's you sorted.
On Google Calendar you can set events to repeat in the same way as you can on your IDevices.